A few months ago, I learned a simple definition for honor during a series on the topic that we were doing at church. Honor is simply to add weigh to something or someone. To hold with value and esteem. I like to think of how, if something holds weight, it’s evidently there, and occupies space, however, if it doesn’t, there is no room given to it, and that’s the concept of Honor. The value and esteem that we place on something or someone is the weight and space they will hold within you. It is beyond outward acts of respectful behavior, but an internal disposition.
The word Honor is mentioned numerous times throughout the bible indicating its biblical importance, from honoring kings, leaders, parents, to ultimately honoring everyone as 1 Peter says. This means that it is not a matter of picking and choosing, we are instructed to be people of honor.
To love God is to love his people, and how we treat people, and show up in the world around us is ultimately our response to God’s instruction. Every time we show up in dishonor, we dishonor God and his instruction. This perspective greatly emphasizes why we should be people of honor because it is a reflection on the state of our hearts and our relationship with God.
God is so loving and honoring that he has attached promise to his instructions, including honor, and every time we do not live out this instruction, we forfeit the promise. However, when we become people of honor, we align ourselves with his instruction and position ourselves to receive all that he has for us.
Honor has a reward, and this reward is unlocked through obedience. I encourage you to dive into this topic and learn more on the many ways God has called us to be people of honor, and how that aligns us with the great reward that comes with living in this value system. As a place to start, I’d recommend John Bevere’s Honor’s reward which is an amazing book on the power of honor.
I pray that even as we seek to know more of God through his instructions, our hearts may be changed and made more like him. That we may be people of honor, empowered by his spirit, and that the world around us will see the God in us because of how we show up. Even as we grow in honoring God and others, may the reward of honor be our portion.